I will be very raw and sincere with you. Do not worry about the size of a woman buttock or breast but worry about the size of her heart and brain. Worry about the size of her love and endurance. Because after 5 or 10 years, it will not be about the breast or buttock. As you can see, your mum now has a flat chest and almost flat buttock but we still live together happily, I still love her and she still love me. Be careful of a woman that loves money. I mean the woman that talks ‘every time’ about her hair, cloths, shoes, bags panties and make-ups. Marriage is not all about these things. Without make-up, cloths, shoes and panties a good marriage will still stand but without love, no marriage can stand. When I got married to your mum, I didn’t have a car or house of my own. I was not even educated. But I had dreams and she appreciate and support me. Any woman that does not support your dream is not worth thinking-a- minute about. There are women ...